Samantha Smith Summer Term 2001

Y10 Assignment 1 Abortion and Euthanasia

"The Roman Catholic Church Teaches that human life is sacred. Explain how this teaching influences its attitude to abortion and euthanasia, showing that you have considered more than one point of view."

Abortion is an operation, which removes the foetus from its mother's womb when a woman decides to get rid of her baby at any stage of pregnancy. It is legal in the UK and it has been since 1967. An abortion can be carried out before the 24th week of pregnancy, as long as 2 doctors agree to the abortion and if the pregnancy will endanger the health of its mother or mother's family.

Different People have different views about when life begins. For many years abortion has been thought of as a crime. British Parliament has argued about it many times, especially over the past 30 years. Humanists believe that abortion should be given on request. The Catholic Church believes that abortion is a sin in all cases and the Protestant Church believes that Abortion in some cases is acceptable.

Some people, such as many religions and anti-abortion groups such as LIFE believe that life begins at conception (when the male sperm and female ovum combine). Some people used to believe that life begin in boys 30 days after conception and a girl's life began 90 days after conception. Some believe that life begins the first time the foetus moves and some believe that life begins when a baby is born.

"From the time that the egg is fertilised, a life has begun which is neither that of the mother nor of the father. It is rather the life of a new human being with all its own growth. It would never be made human if it were not already human."

From the Catholic Declaration on procured Abortion

".... at this earliest stage of existence, embryo's do not have the moral value of persons. They are to be treated with respect; but essentially they are no different from the product of early miscarriages, and the way these have usually been handled is the best guide of what to do."

Lord Habgood, Former Anglican Archbishop of York

Christians and Jews believe that People on Earth are made in the image of god. We are told that after God had made every form of life he thought it was good. No man or Woman however is made in the image of God, all humans are said to be different, unique. Human Beings are said to be very close to resembling God in a spiritual way, but not in a physical way.

Men and women are more intelligent than any other form of life on Earth. They have an authority over the rest of the world. They have more freedom as other life forms can only respond to human actions. Every human is valued and has a right to live; this is the sanctity of life. All men and women are made in God's Image, they are all created equally, every human has an immortal soul and no one has the right to end another's life... God decides when conception takes place like he decides when death will happen. All of these implications affect Christian beliefs on many subjects. They can all be debateable. Christians believe that a person's value is God Given and God decides how much a person will give to society.
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Christians believe that life is a gift from God, that it is sacred. Life that is sacred should be treated as holy; it should be valued and preserved. Christians see the sacredness of life in Jesus' life and death. Jesus didn't do anything to stop when he should die, therefore showing that life should end when God chooses it to.

"...while we are alive, we are living for the Lord, and when we die, we die to the lord: and so, alive or dead we belong to the Lord."

St Paul's Letter to the Romans chapter ...

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