
Christians, when faced with a dilemma would not respond the same. Life’s issues today such as abortion and euthanasia are not all agreed in the same way, and different Christians have different approaches, but follow their beliefs. Abortion is premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb. When people talk of an abortion they are mainly talking about the purposeful murder of a growing life and child; in Roman Catholic views also; in 1967 the Abortion Act was created; its policy was that an abortion could take place if the mother’s life was at stake or the baby once born would have abnormalities and physical suffering otherwise an abortion is strictly forbidden.

     SPUC (Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child) are a group against abortion and they believe that the human life starts at the moment of conception. This group feel that they need a change in the abortion law and they feel it is complete murder.  

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Roman Catholics have different thoughts and beliefs about the world in general today but abortion is one they feel strongly about.

   ‘Do not kill’ this is their opinion of what abortion is; Roman Catholic’s believe it is murder and that they cannot abort a foetus that is a human life even though it is not yet in the real world. If a girl was raped, the issue will still remain the same even if the mother’s life was in danger, it still would not be enough to make them consider abortion.

Roman Catholics have to abide by these ...

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