Abortion and Euthanasia


For my Religious Studies coursework I am going to do a study of a Christian and Muslims about abortion and euthanasia. There were a number of different areas that I could of chosen to study but I think that these two play an important part in our society today this is I think because of the increase in teenage pregnancies over the last couple of years.

To enable me to do my coursework I am going to need to start of by doing some research for some background information about what abortion and euthanasia are. For this I will be using the Internet, books from my local library and Minister and I have also sent off a number of letters to relevant societies and churches for more information about abortion and euthanasia.

From the choice of these two areas I hope to see whether there are any diversities within the same religion between the different denominations and whether there is a disagreement between the views that a Muslim would take and the view that a Christian would take. When you look closely at abortion and euthanasia they have many similarities, they are both the ending of someone's life, they both cause a tremendous amount of pain, to the families of the person, in the case of abortion to the mother and the anti-abortion groups who say that they can feel the pain of the foetus when it is aborted. With such similarities I would hope to find that the teachings are the same for both abortion and euthanasia and that there are no loopholes because of the difference in ages.
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To begin with I am going to look at what exactly abortion is so I am able to understand why Christians and Muslims chose the beliefs they currently teach from.

What is abortion?

Abortion is the artificial termination of the foetus in its mother's womb. There are a number of reasons why a mother may want an abortion to be carried out. Carrying on the pregnancy may be a risk to the life or the health of the mother. The pregnancy could be as a result of a rape attack. Another ...

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