
An abortion is when an unborn child is killed while still in the womb of its mother then removed. An abortion is usually carried out before the end of the 24th week of pregnancy. It can only take place if two doctors agree that: A) it may physically or mentally injure the woman or B) it may mentally injure existing children of the woman.

The abortion can also be carried out any stage after the 24th week but only if doctors believe it may cause the death of the pregnant woman or if they know that the unborn child may be badly handicapped and in need of a lot of care. An abortion’s correct name is a procured abortion. Many call it termination because they find it unpleasant.

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    An abortion or procured abortion, involves the woman being injected with anaesthetic and then the neck of the womb opened, the doctor then uses a suction tube and removes the fluid of the woman. Then he takes hold of what is knife like, and rips the unborn child from limb to limb. At this point there is an apparent “Silent Scream” from the child. The head is torn from the body and the head is crushed and removed from the womb by a pair of forceps. This is the end of the procedure, and also the end of ...

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