Kyriacos Kadis

Abortion & Euthanasia

R.E. coursework

1.  The Roman Catholic Church teaches that human life is scared. This teaching influences its attitude to abortion and euthanasia. The word abortion means to end someone’s life before they have been born, including miscarriages but this ends naturally. When people talk about abortion they are talking about pregnancies which end deliberately. In Britain there are about 180,000 abortions every year with an average of about one every there minutes. An abortion takes about 20 minutes and costs £350 in a private clinic. I think many of these abortions are not necessary. In Britain abortion has been legal since 1967. Before it was legal people had back street abortions which were very dangerous and were illegal. There were about 200,000 back street abortions every year and around 60 women died every year as a result of this. Some people say it is “premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb.” The Roman Catholic Church believes that life begins at the moment of conception. While some people argue that it begins while the foetus is developing and some say at birth. “Human life is sacred” Pope Paul the VI said. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that deliberate abortion is a serious sin for whatever reason.

How the foetus develops:

  • 25 days – heart beats
  • 28 days – legs arms begin to form
  • 6 weeks – bones appear
  • 7 weeks – fingers, thumbs start forming
  • 10 weeks – organs nearly formed
  • 12 weeks – vocal cords, sexual organs form
  • 16 weeks – half birth length
  • 5 months – eyebrows, eyelashes begin to form
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Premature babies born as early as 6 months.

  In Britain to have an abortion it must be before 24 weeks of conception. After 24 weeks abortion is not allowed. The heart forms at 25 weeks so by then the baby must feel pain. But some people have good reasons to abort a baby if their health is at risk, they might be pregnant because of a rape or if the baby will be born disabled or with health problems. If a woman wants to abort a baby, two doctors have to agree that it is for a good ...

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