Abortion is acceptable in some circumstances.

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Religious Education Coursework

~ Abortion ~

Section A

Abortion is the word given to the simple ending of pregnancy before birth. This can be naturally caused, and is called ‘spontaneous’ abortion or the more common word of ‘miscarriage’ or it can be deliberately induced.  A spontaneous abortion, if it is going to happen, usually takes place within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy.  An induced abortion is the deliberate expellence of the foetus from the woman’s uterus.  This has been practiced for over 3,000 years.  Most induced abortions in Britain take place outside marriages.

Christian teachings refer to the bible and teaching from their church, although in the Bible there are very little direct teachings about the subject of abortion and so Christians have to interpret what there is and make a decision, and so because of this a lot of Christians come to different conclusions.

Christians are generally against abortion although some take a more hard and stronger opinion than others.  Christians share with the Jews the belief that human life is sacred.  This idea of sacrosanct life is called the ‘sanctity of life’.  

Christian belief in the sanctity of life is central to a Christian understanding of the issue of abortion.  If life is sacred, a gift from God, then it cannot be acceptable to take life.  The question, with which Christians are faced with then, is this: ‘When does life begin?’  If life begins after birth, then to abort the foetus would not go against teaching of the sanctity of life.  If, however, life begins at conception then it would go against the teachings.

It all depends on when you believe life begins:

  • Conception
  • Birth
  • Some time between conception and birth
  • It is impossible to say

Depending on which one you accept will take effect on what you will do.

If Christians believe the first – that life begins at conception – then they cannot accept induced abortion.  If they accept the second, abortion will be acceptable.  If they accept the third response then they may agree to abortion up to a certain time.  If they accept the forth then surely they can’t permit abortion because they would not know whether they were going against the principle of the sanctity of life or not.

The Roman Catholic Church, have always maintained that the direct and deliberate killing of the unborn human is wrong in all circumstances.

Genesis 1:27 states ‘So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them.’ And so if you were to have an abortion you would be killing an image of God.

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Exodus 20:30 states one of the Ten Commandments, ‘You shall not commit murder.’ This is what the Roman Catholic teaching of abortion is about and states that abortion is wrong and cannot be committed in any circumstances because it is murder.

Isaiah 49:5 – ‘…the Lord who formed me in the womb to be his servant...’ If you do perform an abortion then you kill a servant of God, God has a purpose for every life and so if you destroy a life how can it fulfil its’ purpose.

Psalm 139:13-15 – ‘Thou it was who didst fashion my inward ...

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