Abortion is never justified. Do you agree?

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6th September 2003

Title 1- Abortion

A.i what is meant by abortion?

A.ii what biblical teachings and church teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion?

B – Explain how Christians might put their beliefs into action.

C – Abortion is never justified. Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answers and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.

A i. What is meant by the word abortion?

There are generally two types of abortion – spontaneous which is a natural miscarriage. Or there is induced which is the deliberate killing of an unborn child.

 When people talk about abortion they usually mean induced abortion – the deliberate killing of an unborn child. In this essay I am going to talk about induced abortions.

 ‘Abortion is the natural or induced expulsion of the foetus from the womb before it s able to survive independently’ (from the pocket oxford dictionary of current English).

 Another definition from the Collins new school dictionary 2nd edition – ‘if a woman has an abortion her pregnancy is ended deliberately’.

Abortion is when the foetus is terminated before the pregnancy reaches ‘full term’, they normally happen in the early weeks of the pregnancy up to 24 weeks (in the England).

  If the mother is heavily pregnant than this it can be very distressing for her, emotionally and physically. Also beyond the 24-week period the foetus could survive outside the womb. Sometimes an abortion is a good idea because the mother or the foetus life could be in danger.

People may decide to have an abortion for many reasons, such as: the mother may not have been in a serious relationship and will probably not want to bring up a child single handedly.

 She may have got pregnant at an inconvenient time such as; she is still studying, her job, too young to handle the stress and pressure and doesn’t want to commit her life to a child.

People have very different view about abortion, but the law in England states that: To have an abortion the woman must persuade two doctors that it is the right decision and she must have their consent.

An abortion is offered when the child is proven by a series of tests while the woman is in the early stages of her pregnancy to be mentally or physically handicapped.

If the mother’s life is in any danger or if any family members are going to be affected by this pregnancy and if the baby was to be born, an abortion is offered.

It’s the woman s choice whether to have an abortion or not.

Lastly, to have an abortion the mother must be under 24 weeks pregnant, otherwise abortion is refused by English doctors.

Abortion is a very controversial subject and even Christian views are very individual depending on their experiences, but they do have certain things that influence them such as the church and biblical teachings.

A ii. What biblical teachings and church teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion?

The bible and the church teachings act as a guide for many Christians and it’s up to them what they believe. Although the bible does not mention abortion directly, Christians can back up their arguments for and against abortion using biblical teachings.

  Churches on the other hand can confront abortion as an issue and have made comments about abortion.

Some earlier church fathers thought that abortion was acceptable within 40days of conception this was because after 40days the foetus was thought to receive its soul. This time was called ensoulment. This theory though was based on science, and it is not accepted now.

Now the churches have different views, which Christians could use in discussion about abortion.

  The Roman Catholic Church believes that abortion should regarded like the 5th commandment – ‘thou shalt not murder’, because abortion is regarded as murder of the foetus because it is artificially terminated.

  Christians could use this point in discussion about abortion, to back up their argument for being against abortion. Also it’s one of the laws today. This also backs up that from conception human life comes into existence that’s why the Roman Catholic Church and many other Christians regard abortion as murder.


Another reason why the Roman Catholic Church is against abortion, they believe in the sanctity of life.

  Christians could argue that the foetus deserves to be treated in the same way as anyone else in all circumstances such as rape, and the foetus shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s mistake.

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  Also back to this point, the Roman Catholic Church made a statement about abortion called ‘Human Vitae’ in 1968 saying that life is sacred abortion is a serious sin and that everyone should have respect for life.

Another quote from the Roman Catholic Church from 1974 ‘From when the ovum is fertilised a new life has begun with its own growth it would not become human if human were not ready’. What this is basically saying is that everyone is and individual from conception.

  This is another thing a Catholic/Christian could use in a discussion because it ...

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