Abortion is one of the greatest evils, in this modern day, for a christian to commit.

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In my opinion Abortion is a head of the rest when it comes to being the greatest of all evils. Even though I believe this, I can understand and see how other people may find it hard to come to terms with my opinion. They may believe that other great evils for example crime and war may be as evil or even a greater evil. I will show in my coursework part C why I think abortion is the greatest of evils and should be taken very seriously.

In our world today abortion is only increasing to be the greatest of all evils. The abortion rates are on the increase, which I think goes against a lot of what God intends us to do in life and what not to do. I believe that a person who can honestly say that abortion is right, is a person who is fundamentally saying God is wrong. Psalm 139 tells us “for it was you who created my bring, knit me together in my mother’s womb, i thank you for the wonder of my king, for the wonders of all creation.” This praises God for the gift of life, this reveals to us that we are the children of God  and that we should value the sacredness of life. This informs us that we are all unique  and highly fought of as the greatest creation ever. To me the baby in the womb should have a chance to live as we were giving that chance and this shouldn’t be different for any other baby as once again we are all unique in our own ways and if we are not born then we can not exploit our inimitability. We are all brothers and sisters in this world and to me even that child is as much as a person and even a brother or sister as any other person, we should have love for even the children still entrapped in the mothers womb. All the people on earth are all made in the image of God this should be taking seriously even if the child is still in the womb of the mother. The child still has its senses as we know from Lukes Gospel 1:39-45”....the moment your greeting reached my ears, the child inside my womb leapt for joy”. This proves to us that the children in the womb are unique as we can see how John the Baptist jumped with joy when he hears Mary.

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The Catholic Church and Bible inform us very clearly that human life is sacred when they tell us the way to live like Jesus, when they show us the ten commandments and how each person should show respect to each other through life. “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognised as having the rights of a person-among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.”(Catechism of the Catholic Church). This shows us how sacred life is and how ...

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