Abortion, legalised in the 1960's, can be described as the termination of the foetus before natural birth.

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Abortion, legalised in the 1960’s, can be described as the termination of the foetus before natural birth.  The potential life of the foetus or the ‘growing child’ is deliberately removed.  Abortion is a very controversial and sensitive matter; as it raises many emotional, religious, cultural and law issues.  This topic has been subject to many years of debate, some believe that abortion is inhumane, whilst others believe life has not yet been formed.

Ai) what is meant by the word abortion?

Abortion can be defined in many ways; as the destruction of a new human life, the deliberate removal of the foetus from the womb, or the destruction of a new life before it is sufficiently developed to survive outside the womb.

Abortion is the premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb, which is performed by a number of alternative operational methods. However, if the mother’s body naturally rejects the foetus and expels it from her body, this is known as a miscarriage.

Abortion methods.


 This takes place at 5- 7 weeks.  It is also known as RU-486 or the "Abortion Pill.”  This chemical causes an abortion by interfering with the function of the placenta, starving the unborn child to death.  Prostaglandin’s (misoprostol, see below) are then administered to expel the foetus.  This method of abortion takes place over the span of several days; the average woman using it bleeds heavily for more than nine days, but some women have bled for over four weeks.

Dilation & Evacuation (D&E):

 This takes place at 13- 20 weeks.  Firstly the cervix is pried open.  Using forceps, the abortionist tears the child out of the womb, limb by limb.  The child is then reassembled to assure that no foetal parts are left inside


This is the alternative and most expensive late abortion drug called prostaglandin but with salt poising this also endangers the mother, it can be associated with risks of haemorrhage, infection and retention of the placenta requiring surgical intervention.

This particular drug causes powerful contractions of the womb expelling the foetus, and usually killing it in the process.  As salt poising showed some babies are delivered alive but in later abortions the doctors inject a further drug into the baby does not survive.

Dilation and curettage

In this procedure a loop-bladed knife called a curette dismembers the baby.  This procedure is called dilation and curettage (D&C).  The mother’s cervix (neck of the womb) has to be stretched open prior to the abortion.  This can cause damage leading to death or premature delivery of a baby in a subsequent pregnancy.

 These abortions are usually done before 12 weeks gestation.  In a sharp curettage a tiny hoe-like instrument called a curate is inserted into the womb.  The abortionist scrapes the embryo or foetus and placenta from the uterine wall.  Body parts are then pulled out piece by piece through the cervix.

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Suction Aspiration: Also called "vacuum aspiration".)

This is the most commonly used method of abortion.  This is when a tube is inserted through the cervix into the uterus and connected to a strong suction apparatus.  The embryo or foetus and the placenta are torn to pieces and sucked out into a jar.  Although the baby is extremely small, body parts are often easily identified.  Sometimes this method follows a D & C. Possible complications include bleeding, infection, and perforation of the uterus.

The UK's abortion law

Before the abortion act of 1967 was passed abortion in ...

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