Abortion: Right or Wrong?

The topic that I shall be discussing is one that is argued about a lot, by a variety of people and organizations. The abortion controversy has become one of the most divisive and irrationally contentious issues of our time, turned into a legal and political power struggle with no permanent resolution in sight. The main focus and most media attention have almost been based exclusively, on the differences between Pro-life, Religion, and Pro-choice forces.

Abortions have been occurring since ancient times, when it was used as a method of birth control.  In the eyes of religion abortion was always considered, “Sinful,” and was criminalized in Britain and the United States in the nineteenth century.

“Back-street” abortions became the most popular way to limit the size of families.

Abortion was first made illegal in Britain in the early 1800s. 1861: in an effort to stem the number of deaths caused by, “Back street” abortions, the Offences against persons Act made it illegal to, “Procure a miscarriage.” Anyone who supplied or used, “Poison or other noxious things or means,” to induce abortion was guilty of a crime carrying a penalty of life imprisonment.

In an article headed, “Key Dates on the Way to Legislation” written in the Independent Newspaper, on the 27th April 1993, it states that, “During this time business in illegal abortions were thriving.” 1936: The Abortion Law Reform Association (ALRA) was formed. It aimed to lift restrictions on doctors so they could offer safe abortions.

The consequences of making abortions illegal were so great, that the number of deaths from, “Back street” abortions were on the increase. In Britain Parliament eventually legalised abortion with the 1967 Abortion Act. The Act states that an, “Abortion is allowed up to 24 weeks, but could happen later in rare cases, such as to save the life of the mother.”  The rationale behind this Act was obviously to stop the increase in deaths, caused by illegal abortions, and to provide safety to women.

Now that I have given a brief back round into the legal history of abortion, I will look firstly at the arguments from the view of Pro-Life campaigners, who are totally against abortion. I will show factual and alarming statistics, and also give the opinions of certain religious beliefs that are totally against abortion.

“Feminists for Life,” who associate with the Prolife Alliance, have published a list of facts under the heading, “Did you know?” and includes some of the following points:

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  • 97% of abortions are performed on healthy babies.
  • Abortion is available up to 24 weeks (premature babies have survived at 22 weeks) and up to birth if the baby is disabled (harelip is sufficient disability).
  • Recent statistics show that abortion figures have increased by 14%.
  • Nearly 200,000 abortions are performed in England, Scotland and Wales each year.  
  • Roughly 42% of all baby girls are aborted, against only 25% of baby boys (Planned Parenthood data).
  • Physical complications of legal abortion include cervical injury, 200% increased risk of miscarriage after two or more abortions, 160% increased risk of ...

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