"Antenatal care is essential for the total well being of the mother and the unborn child." Because it prepares the mother for birth and how to bring up her child, as well as ensuring everything goes right during the pregnancy.

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“Antenatal care is essential for the total well being of the mother and the unborn child.” Because it prepares the mother for birth and how to bring up her child, as well as ensuring everything goes right during the pregnancy.

Antenatal care is provided by midwives, shared care and consultants. Various routine tests are carried out, and compared with the results from the original ‘booking test’, so that any high risk conditions either in the mother or the foetus are picked up on, and hopefully cured. Foetal growth and the mothers general health are also monitored to make sure everything is okay.

There are standard check ups which every woman has to undergo during a pregnancy; first in the first 8-10 weeks of pregnancy.

One of the standard  checks is the examination of the uterus, the outside of the abdomen is felt to check the size, position and movement of the foetus. The distance from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus is also measured. The mothers urine is checked for protein (albumen) which may give early signs of pre-eclampsia or bladder and kidney infections. The blood pressue is checked, as high blood pressure can also indicate pre-eclampsia. The legs are checked for swelling or varicose veins. After 10 weeks, these are checked every month until week 28, then every two weeks until week 36, then every week until delivery.

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As well as these standard checkups, they also check the foetal heartbeat, every visit after 16 weeks, using a stethoscope, pinard or hand held ultra-sound scan machine. A normal heartbeat is 110-115 beats per minute. They also do blood tests at 16 weeks, to check for the mothers immunity to rubella, rhesus factor, so that problems in future pregnancies can be avoided, Hepatitis B, so the baby can be giver treatment straight after birth, diabetes- to check for gestational diabetes, syphallis, so that treatment can be given, anaemia, iron supplements and folic acid may be needed, and finally the ...

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