AO 2 In the world today, discipleship in Mark's Gospel is being used as a guide to the modern disciple. The disciples in Mark's Gospel are good role models for Christians today. Disciples were taught to care for one another and always put others before...

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AO 2

In the world today, discipleship in Mark’s Gospel is being used as a guide to the modern disciple. The disciples in Mark’s Gospel are good role models for Christians today. Disciples were taught to care for one another and always put others before themselves; this is reflected in Christians today. An example of a disciple like this is Bob Geldof who is a good role model who helped raise money by using his talent and the talent of others. Another example of disciples like this is the organisation Amnesty International who together fight for the rights of others.


In the calling of the disciples Jesus chose twelve men, he did not chose men of status or wealth he chose men with faith. This is reflected in modern Christian life how we too can be called into religious order or priesthood, we all answer a call at baptism to become a Christian, a disciple of Christ. In this we have to be a good role model to all Christians, in doing this we can do simple things like praying or going to mass and fulfilling the command at the end of mass.

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In becoming a disciple there is sacrifices to make, they had to leave their family/ friends all material possessions and give up any wealth or power. The disciples were sent on their journey to carry out three duties they were; preach repention, drive out evil spirits and to anoint people with oil and heal them. The mission of the church remains the same as the mission of the twelve, many people still go out and preach. Organisation throughout the world continue to go out and care for the sick, feed the hungry, fight against injustice and preach the message ...

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