Assess Nietzsche's critique of religion.

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Tisha Dyer

Assess Nietzsche’s critique of religion

        Nietzsche’s critique of religion is largely based on his critique of Christianity.

        Nietzsche says that in modern Europe, people are atheistic, even though they don’t realise it. People who say they are religious aren't really and those who say they have moved on haven't actually moved on.

        Certain people in society retain features of Christianity. For example, socialists still believe in equality in all people. Others still have pity for the poor and needy etc.

        Nietzsche dislikes religion especially Christianity because it encourages and promotes slave morality. Nietzsche says that we should be striving towards master morality, but Christianity has the completely opposite values to those of the master morality. For example, religion wants us to be like slaves and give things up instead of trying to be great.

        He talks about a slave revolt in morality, which leads to the dominance of slave values over master values. Christianity is that slave revolt.

The problem for Nietzsche is the New Testament – the introduction of Jesus. He thinks that linking the Old Testament with the New Testament is very cheeky. They are two different books with complete different ideas and so should not be linked together.

The Old Testament is full of power – Nietzsche likes that. But he objects to the values of the New Testament that shouldn’t be linked to the Old Testament. They demote power.

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He sees religion as intensely nihilistic – it’s all about denying life and being negative. Nietzsche feels that the New Testament is also like that.

We have to go beyond this. If Christianity and Schopenhaur are based on denying life we must go to the extreme – affirm the world and life.

Nietzsche contradicts himself here. He says that Christianity denies life, but earlier he said that if believing in God gave a poor man some home and helped him live a better life, then he should carry on believing it.

If you pursue pessimism far enough you ...

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