Baptising babies is pointless, Do you agree with this statement?

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“Baptising babies is pointless,” –

Do you agree with this statement?

I agree with this statement.

The fact that so many people are baptised at a young age these days comes from the fact that people used to believe that if a child wasn’t baptised they couldn’t enter heaven and infant mortality also would have been lower in years past. Currently infant mortality has risen and the church has said that it is possible for children to enter heaven even if they are not baptised but people continue to get their children baptised young, even if they themselves sometimes have little or no faith, because of superstition or purely tradition. Many people would argue that this is very wrong and people should make their own choices about religion once they are old enough.

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However if someone is not baptised they can not fully take part in their religion. Baptism opens doors to the other sacraments so without being baptised the child can’t receive communion or tell their confessions. Also, baptism is a welcoming into the community so although the parents may not have much, or any, faith it is also up to the child’s parish to bring it up religiously. Though, personally, I don’t think that is reason enough to baptise people as babies rather than adults.

I believe that people should be baptised as adults so they can make their own decision ...

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