Sophie Stuttard        GCSE Coursework


Most Christian churches have a ceremony in which the importance of the birth of a baby is recognised; they call the service ‘baptism’.

The word Baptism comes from the Greek word ‘baptein’ meaning to ‘dip’.  In the service the person who is being baptised is dipped in some way into water, to wash away sins.

It is the start of a Christian life. This is why most Christians feel that it is better to have a new born child baptised because it is also the beginning of their life as well as their Christian one. Baptism is the first rite of passage symbolising entrance into the church.

In the Roman Catholic Church the baptism takes place in a normal mass service so that the whole congregation is present to welcome the child into the church. The child is first anointed with oil as a sign of strength that God gives to Christians to help fight off sin and temptation.  

In an infant baptism promises are made for the baby by its parents and godparents because the child is too young to do so. The parents and godparents make three promises:

‘To turn to Christ, to repent sin and to renounce evil.’

After the promises have been made the priest makes a sign of a cross on the child’s head to symbolise Christ. Then the godparents have to vow to help bring up the child into Christian beliefs. The baby is taken to the font with water in. As the water is poured over the forehead the priest says:

‘I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit.’

After this the baby is again anointed with the oil called chrism. This is to bless the child to god. A white garment is then placed around the baby. It is white to show purity and also to show that the child ha been passed from dark to light.

The baby is now welcomed into the Christian family.

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Many people grow up in the church because they have been baptised as babies and brought up in a Christian family. That is not always the case. Increasing numbers of older people-from teenagers to great grandparents- are making their won decision to join the Church. They feel they need to express their commitment by joining a worshipping community of the Church. This is called Believers Baptism.

Baptism was originally performed on adults, first performed on Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. The water is to symbolise the washing away of sins. The pool represents Christ’s ...

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