"Baptism should only be received when one is old enough to confirm one's faith".

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“Baptism should only be received when one is old enough to confirm one’s faith”.

In the early church, Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist were received together at the Easter Vigil and were referred to as ‘Sacraments of Initiation’.  These rites were earned and delivered because of a person’s past and present rich, religious beliefs.  Their award and entitlement was to have the privilege to be part of the Christian community, they were usually received as an adult.

Baptists insist that the New Testament, associates baptism with a person’s own faith in Jesus; and as very small children are not old enough to believe for themselves, baptism should be withheld until the child can make his or her own decision.  Baptists or ‘believers’ believe the following:

  • Baptism should only take place when the candidate is old enough to make an intimate decision.

  • Anyone wishing to be baptised must give evidence of having repented and believed.  (Acts 2:38 – 41, acts 8:35 – 40).

  • Baptism is the outward sign and witness of Inner faith in Jesus.

  • Full immersion is a necessity to demonstrate the full Christian Baptism.  (Plunging the complete body beneath the level of the blessed water).  This scenario reinforces and powerfully symbolises the spiritual death, burial and resurrection to new life.  Immersion declares the meaning of baptism undoubtedly and appropriately.

Baptists believe that those who have already learned repentance and development of life should only then receive Baptism.  Those who believe truly that their sins are taken away by Christ, to all those who walk in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and wish to be buried with Him in death, so that they may be resurrected with Him.  Requests for Baptism to be received by those who significantly demand it for themselves.

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Discipleship comes first, then baptism and that order is always the same in the New Testament.  A person becomes a believer first and is then baptised.  This we call “Believer’s Baptism”.  In the New Testament a person was not brought to baptism. A person came themselves to baptism after being invited then accepted into the world of faith.

However followers of the Roman Catholic Church majority of the time practise babies, infant and toddlers baptism, adults who were unfortunate to miss early baptism had the opportunity to be accepted at any age when they felt the desire to ...

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