'Because God is Good, we are moved to do Good' - Discuss with reference to Aristotle's concept of God on the Final cause.

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Sara Penny


‘Because God is Good, we are moved to do Good’

- Discuss with reference to Aristotle’s concept of God on the

  Final cause:

Aristotle believed that everybody is directed towards a final aim, and that there is a purpose to everything we do.

        He believed that within this aim there were superior and subordinate aims.  Subordinate aims were what you had to achieve to obtain the superior aim.  There are even more superior aims above those.  

        For Aristotle the final aim was the good of all humanity.  He believed that every person was of a group whether it be your family, your village, your city, or your country, therefore Aristotle concluded that nobody is truly individual.  Everybody is influenced by their surroundings, they are not a completely free-thinking human being.  This implies that the good of a group is more important than the good of an individual.  

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        Aristotle believed that goodness exists in its own right.  He defined supreme goodness as happiness for all.  This is called eudaimonia.  However from this definition a problem arises.  Different people have different views on what happiness is (For example; Hitler thought that by having an ethnically cleansed race, everybody would be happy.  But most people are happy with a variety of cultures and races).  To overcome this problem, Aristotle placed people into three categories;

  • Those who love pleasure (most people)
  • Those who love honour (politicians) and
  • Those who love contemplation (philosophers).  

Aristotle contended the four causes, which ...

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