Religious Studies Coursework

Parables about the Kingdom of God

 “The Kingdom of God is like a light bulb in the room. The light is in the darkness.  Even though you don’t see it when it is switched off doesn’t mean it is not there. It only takes one man to switch it on, but it brings light to the whole room and those in it.”

“The Kingdom of God is like when you are taking a bus to Brighton.  It doesn’t matter from when or where you take it, or which seat you sit on. What matters is that it arrives at the right destination.  It is the destination that counts.”

If Jesus were alive today he would tell a story like the ones above because a parable is a simple story about everyday life with a religious meaning.

But why did Jesus use parables?

  Jesus was living 2000 years ago in Palestine.  Jerusalem itself was only a small town.  At that time the people were mostly farmers and fishermen.  Simple people relied on these two professions to support their families; this for them was everyday life so they knew everything about fishing and farming. Jesus taught parables about everyday life so people to understand them.  Jesus’ parables were simple stories easy to remember.  Most people could not remember long stories in the bible or the Ten Commandments.  Being about everyday life it was easy for people to relate to them.  Jesus’ parables had a religious meaning about God and God’s Kingdom.  Jesus never really told people the exact things that would happen with the coming of God’s Kingdom but used parables to teach and communicate to them.  In Mark’s Gospel it is said that Jesus had an extraordinary personality and used miracles to grab people’s attention.  Then he would tell them parables that would seem very simple and meaningless stories but in fact they had a hidden religious meaning about the Kingdom of God.

Jesus used parables to get the message across to people and his disciples.  Referring to Mark’s Gospel Jesus did not tell his disciples he was the Messiah.  Neither did he tell them what the exact things about the Kingdom of God.  For this he gave them clues and used parables.  Sometimes the disciples would not understand the parables and Jesus would only explain it to them when they were alone.  Jesus acknowledged he was the Messiah only after “Peter’s Declaration”.  It was important that Jesus taught the 12 disciples who he was before word got out.  He needed to keep the “Messianic Secret” from Jews, their leaders and the Romans.

If he taught too publicly, he would have been arrested and killed.  Jesus was arrested only four days after the “Messianic Secret” got out.  It was important that Jesus taught the 12 disciples who he was before word got out.  He needed to keep the Messianic Secret from Jews, their leaders and the Romans/Gentiles.  

If Jesus taught too publicly he would have been arrested and killed.  The first time Jesus publicly accepted being the Messiah was the Entry in Jerusalem. Jesus was arrested just four days after the Entry in Jerusalem (the Messianic Secret was out).  If he had said that he was the Messiah when he was baptised, the Jews would have arrested Jesus for Blasphemy; the Romans would have been displeased about it because they thought he was trying to form a Jewish Kingdom and drive them out.  By teaching in parables Jesus was able to keep the Messianic Secret.  He did three years of secret teaching before his death.

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The parables’ message was also simple and short.  For example ‘the Kingdom of God is open to children is the message of the parable ‘Jesus blesses the children’.

What could it feel like to belong to the Kingdom of God?

To belong to the Kingdom of God means being part of something holy and important.  It is like living in one country but being from another.  In this case it's living in Earth but feeling that your heart and soul belong in God’s Kingdom.  To belong to the Kingdom of God is being part of something special and being proud ...

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