'Can we know something that has not yet been proven true?'

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Theory Of Knowledge February 2004 Essay:

‘Can we know something that has not yet been proven true?’

By: Solange Di Rocca

Gr. 12

Before analysing this title we must understand what it is to know what is meant by the term ‘to prove true’. A proof is something we take to be true, something that justifies our beliefs; it is not the same as to reach 100% certainty, but to reach such a level that allows us to draw the conclusion that an argument is true. And knowledge is the established understanding of the connections between the data we perceive from the world around us, for example to gain mathematical knowledge; we understand the connections made between the question and the result. However, do we always need proof to know something? Some would say that they know God exists because they have proof; they take the bible or miracles etc. to be true, and therefore consider these enough proofs for their argument. By the same token, we need some kind of proof in order to establish these connections, and therefore to achieve knowledge.

A proof, as stated earlier is something we take to be true. This means that it does not necessarily have to be true, i.e. correspond to reality. We can have empirical proof, for example seeing Joe in his house justifies my belief that he was at home, the proof was seeing that he was inside his house. And I took this perception to be true. I believed this. And therefore it constituted a fact. However I could have made several assumptions and this could not be necessarily true. I could have made a mistake and seeing a man inside Joes house, made the false assumption that it was he, through mistaken perception. This would therefore mean that I have achieved a wrong proof, but it is still a proof to me; and, I know that Joe is inside his house as I have justified his presence inside his house by seeing him.  False proof therefore will bring false knowledge, as it justifies false beliefs. As with the argument of the existence of god. Some believe in the existence of a God. Some Christians take the bible and other scriptures and miracles to be true, and so to be proofs to justify their argument. It in this way that some may say that they know that god exists.

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However these proofs are very subjective, in this way, anything that one believes to be true is a proof. In fact, not too long ago it was proven that the earth was flat and at the centre of the universe. This was common knowledge, everyone believed it, and had had proof to justify this statement. After all they had no knowledge to contradict it, therefore they took it to be true. They had restricted knowledge and drew the sensible conclusion; if the earth were not flat we would all be falling off at the sides of it. Similarly, people ...

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