Can you be a proper Jew if you dont follow laws of Judaism?

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You can only be a Proper Jew if you keep all the laws of Judaism' Task Two

I agree that you can only be a proper Jew if you keep all the laws of Judaism, because the purpose of life for a Jew is obedience to God. How Jews live is to 'obey the law, atone for sin and obey God's commandments'. If they didn't keep all the laws of Judaism; they would be contradicting their whole religion. But on the other hand; I think that you can be a proper Jew without keeping all the laws of Judaism because

Orthodox Judaism is the most traditional expression of modern Judaism. Orthodox Jews believe the entire Torah was given to Moses by God and remains authoritative for modern life in its entirety, furthermore Orthodox Jews reject the changes of Reform Judaism and hold fast to most traditional Jewish beliefs and practices. For example, Orthodox would not cook on the day of the Sabbath; it would have been prepared and cooked the day before. They would not turn on or turn off the TV. But Orthodox Jews consider Reform and Conservative Jews adherents of the Jewish faith, but do not accept many non-Orthodox Jewish marriages, divorces, or conversions on the grounds that they were not performed in accordance with Jewish law. Many Orthodox Jews believe that you can only be a proper Jew if you obey Orthodox Judaism.
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Other Jews disagree to this; they believe that you don't have to obey all the laws of Judaism. Reform Judaism is one type, it is the most liberal expression of modern Judaism.

In the 19th century Reform Jews took a huge change in their religion, discontinuation of prayers for a return to Palestine, prayers and sermons recited in German instead of Hebrew, the addition of organ music to the synagogue service, and a lack of observance of the dietary laws. Some Reform rabbis advocated the abolition of circumcision and the Reform congregation in Berlin shifted the Sabbath ...

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