'Charity begins at home'Do you agree?

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‘Charity begins at home’

Do you agree?

        The proverb ‘Charity begins at home’ is a very vague one. The proverb seems to have two words which can be perceived by different people in many different ways. These two words are ‘charity’ and ‘home’.

        The word ‘charity’ can mean to some people, making an effort to help others. This can be seen as good because they are helping people but we do not know how they would mean to help people or who they would help. Others however, may see this word as being much more powerful and meaningful. They could see it as having to make a large sacrifice of something which is very valuable to you, in order to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. This sort of sacrifice could be something like giving up time, living without luxuries, donating a percentage of income to a charity or donating a sum of money which means a lot to you. Whatever people would sacrifice as their charity, whether small or big in your eyes, it would be large to these people because these are the ones who have seen the word ‘charity’ as a sacrifice. The sacrifice which they make is personal to them and will not mean the same to anybody else.

        The word ‘home’ can be read by some to mean the physical building that they live in and the people and things which are in it, where as to others it would mean the whole worlds population. There are also people who could take ‘home’ as different sized areas such as your town, county, country and continent. Some people may think that if somebody said they thought of home as their house, they are selfish and not bothered of what is going on in other parts of the world. However, we must make sure that we are able to support ourselves before we go about trying to be God and support others. If we help others before we can look after ourselves then we will dig ourselves into a big hole which we won’t be able to get out of without the charity of somebody else and so it was pointless helping in the first place.                                                                                                                             When we make the decision to think of this proverb as meaning either a local or global area, we mustn’t forget one of the keywords within the proverb. This is the word ‘begin’. When we decide what we think the word ‘home’ means, we are not making a final decision on who we are going to give charity to and who we aren’t. We are merely saying that we think it is more important to sort out local issues like the homeless, elderly neighbours or near by school. We are by no means saying that we don’t show concern and aren’t going to help those who are living in poverty or need charity in other countries, but we will be saying that we will help them after we have got our local issues out of the way and sorted.

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        A person who would agree to the proverb ‘Charity begins at home’ is a doctor. A doctor would make sure that the patients in their local area are all well and healthy. This is a little different to some other types of people’s opinions because it is a doctor’s job and not his personal opinion. A bible quote which agrees with how I think a doctor would think of the proverb is ‘if one of your country men becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so ...

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