R.E Coursework 2302

2a)i)   What is abortion?

Abortion is the loss of an embryo or foetus either spontaneously, (miscarriage) or induced, (when a pregnancy is terminated on purpose,) before 20 weeks. After 20 weeks, the spontaneous loss of a foetus is called a stillbirth.


ii) Which biblical and church teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion?


Abortion is not mentioned in the bible, as it was virtually unknown during biblical times. This was mainly due to the fact that a woman’s role in society was to bear, and care for children. This meant that unwanted pregnancies were very rare. Despite this, there is a reference to abortion in the early Christian text, the Didache, “You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb.” A Christian may use this to argue that abortion is wrong.

           However the bible does stress the huge importance of human life, telling us, “Man was made in the image of God.”  (Genesis 1:27.) This one quote a Christian may use to argue the sanctity of human life. Christians believe that humans are God’s only creatures to have a soul. This sets them aside and makes them special and superior to all other creatures. A Christian may use this to argue that something this special should never be taken away.

Christians would argue against abortion with quotes such as, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,” from Jeremiah. They would argue that this shows God knows and loves us as human beings before we are born, therefore making abortion murder.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart,” (Jeremiah 1:5) appears to show that God has a plan for us all, and abortion therefore goes against God’s plans and so is an evil act against God.  

This would lead them to use the commandment, “thou shalt not murder,” from Exodus.  Murder is killing intentionally or with premeditation. A Christian may argue that abortion therefore fits under the category of murder, and so contradicts the commandment.

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The Catholic Church is completely against the idea of abortion, they teach that it is always wrong, in all circumstances and situations, a Catholic would ask, “”Why should a foetus have to suffer for somebody else’s mistake?” They believe that "From the time that the ovum is fertilised a new life is begun which is neither that of the father or the mother. It is the life of a new human being with its own growth. It would never become human if it were not human already" – Declaration on procured abortion. Recently, Pope Benedict XVI described abortion as “today’s ...

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