Christianity through a study of Luke and Acts

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Rosie Murdoch         L5R

Paper 1 - Christianity through a study of Luke and Acts

Title 1

(a)(i)Explain the term ‘miracle’

The term miracle is viewed in more ways than one depending on many factors. A Christian’s definition would be somewhat different to that of a non-religious person’s. The Chambers Family Dictionary defines a miracle as “a wonder, a prodigy, and a supernatural event - a mediaeval drama founded on Old or New Testament history or on the legends of the saints”. The term through a Christian’s eyes is a more religious one in which God plays a vital part. A Christian might describe a miracle as “an event that happens through an act of God. God’s work becomes clearly seen in an unexpected way such as an answered prayer. Miracles don’t break the laws of nature they are signs that God is at work”. A typical non Christian’s definition might be “when something good happens to anyone whether Christian or not. It is just a coincidence and they rarely occur.  Whether a person is religious or not everyone has an equal chance of one happening to them”.

(a)(ii)Describe how Jesus was presented as a worker of miracles giving examples from Luke’s Gospel.

Jesus was a performer of miracles. In Luke’s Gospel he tells us that Jesus performed many different types of miracle. Jesus performed miracles for a number of reasons. He wanted to show people that he was the Son Of God. The miracles showed God was working through him in a special way and that he was the true Messiah. Universalism also plays a big part in why Jesus performed miracles. He wanted to help everyone no matter what they looked liked or how they acted, he knew that everyone was equal and wanted to prove he had nothing against anyone, he did this by healing anyone who came to him no matter what their background.

To be a follower of Jesus, faith is essential; he implied this in all the miracles he performed. The people were cured because of their faith in Jesus.  Today, if a Christian is sick, they must remember to have faith in Jesus in the hope to be healed. Also to have faith in Jesus is to receive a place in the spiritual Kingdom -the Kingdom of God. It is a key concept in Christianity, in which God has the reign over all things. To have faith in Jesus is the only way of entering, so it is very important for Christians today.

Jesus’ Nature Miracles showed his power over nature. This included walking on water and calming a fierce storm. Another example of this is the Feeding of the 5,000 (Luke 9:12-17).  In this miracle Jesus feeds 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. This would be impossible for any human being to do. However, this miracle shows God’s power breaking into the world through Jesus. It shows that nothing is impossible for God. The fact that 5,000 people followed him already showed that they had faith in him and that he had succeeded in showing people he was the Messiah. It shows the people are physically satisfied as there are 12 baskets of leftovers, however before they ate the food, Jesus thanked God as it also shows the people are spiritually satisfied. This miracle can encourage Christians to pray in seemingly hopeless situations. Also Jesus’ actions here are the same as those that he performed at the Last Supper which shows this miracle has Eucharistic Significance.

Jesus’ physical healing miracles showed his power over physical illness, this included blindness, deafness and dumbness. An example of this is The Centurion’s Servant (Luke 7:1-10).This physical healing shows that God’s power is so strong in Jesus that he can heal someone who is on the point of death. It was written in the Old Testament (Isaiah) that the Messiah will heal the sick, so this demonstrates that Jesus is the Messiah. It also tells us that Jesus only has to say a word and his authority is so great that he can heal the Centurion’s servant even at a distance. The fact Jesus was not physically there with the servant gives Christians hope today if they are ill because now that he is not physically with them he can still help them if they have faith. The man is a Gentile but Jesus still helped him because Jesus came to offer salvation to all people, this is a good example of universalism.

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Jesus’ Exorcisms showed Jesus’ power over evil spirits. People believed these spirits were because of the devil and often caused illness and mental disorders. His casting out of demons was a sign of the Kingdom of God. When he cured the diseased, it showed the Kingdom of God defeating the powers of darkness. An example of this is the boy with epilepsy and a demon (Luke 9:38-43). This physical healing again shows God’s overwhelming power in Jesus to heal such a disease. Just by commanding the evil spirit to leave the boy was enough. Jesus did not have to touch ...

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