
1.Explain why the early Christians were persecuted?

The Romans persecuted early Christians because the Romans did not understand the way they lived.  They could not understand why Christians worshiped a God they couldn’t see, nor why they drunk wine or ate bread at a strange ritual known as Holy Communion.  They also wondered why they had to meet in secret.

Rumours were spread that Christians were cannibals and even ate babies.  The Romans were not pleased with the way slaves and women were allowed to join in Christian meetings that they thought should be attended by only free men because in Roman times women and slaves were looked down, while the Christians believed every person is equal in the eyes of God.

The Romans were made to believe that at their meetings the Christians plotted secretly against the emperor. Because of their belief in God Christians would not offer incense to Caesar, which was considered treason by the Romans.

Christians were thought to be” kill-joys” because they refused to go to the games to watch the gladiators fighting or the Chariot racing.  As the Bible says in the Ten Commandments “Worship no other God apart from me” the Christians would not worship Roman gods and openly said their own God was the true ruler of heaven and earth and all other gods were false, this made the Romans angry.

Nero the Emperor was afraid of the people.  He knew that he was losing his power and control of the Army quickly, so during his later life he became so cruel such that he would imprison his own family and those believed to be his friends.  He desperately tried to win the peoples approval by building fine places and arenas. It is believed that he caused the great fire, which broke out in Rome and gave him space for his rebuilding plans. He had to find people to blame for the fire and it was very easy to blame the Christians and accuse them of having started it which for the Romans and people were only to glad of an excuse to hate the Christians.

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Describe the work of a modern day persecuted Christian?


Maximillian Kolbe was a catholic priest who ministered to people living in Poland in 1939.  At the time Adolf Hitler the German leader was marching his Nazi troops towards his homeland. They invaded Poland and Maximillian used his church building as a hospital and a haven for Polish refugees.  It was for this reason that a group of German soldiers arrested him and all but two of his Co-workers. They were taken into live stock trailers and later to Amitiz prison were they suffered horrible conditions and ...

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