Candice-Dionne Jordan


Module title: Comparative legal systems

Module code: LA1850

25% overall module grade


In Furman v. Georgia 408 U.S. 238 (1972) the defendant Furman entered a home at night in an attempt to burgle it. During the attempt Furman was discovered by a member of the family, as he tried to leave the scene, he tripped and fell, which resulted in his firearm going off and the family member being shot through a closed door. Awaiting his trial Furman was committed to the Georgia State Hospital for a psychiatric examination, where the staff came to the conclusion that Mr Furman’s mental deficiency was mild to moderate and he suffers psychotic episodes associated with convulsive disorder, however they stated at present Mr Furman knows right from wrong and is able to cooperate with counsel.

Furman was convicted of murder and sentenced to death.

In Gregg v. Georgia 428 U.S. 153 (1976) the petitioner and a travelling companion Floyd Allen, while hitchhiking north in Florida were picked up by their victims Fred Simmons and Bob Moore, Simmons and Moore’s car broke down but they purchased another with some cash they were carrying and continued north. During the journey Simmons and Moore picked up another hitchhiker Dennis Weaver, who they dropped off in Atlanta, where the remaining four men took a rest stop on the highway. The next morning the bodies of Simmons and Moore were discovered in a nearby ditch. Medical evidence states that Simmons died from a bullet wound in the eye and Moore died from bullet wounds in the cheek and the back of the head, both men also had several bruises and cuts on their faces and heads which were supposedly sustained from the fall into the ditch or from being dragged or pushed along the embankment.

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After reading about the murders of Simmons and Moore, Dennis Weaver communicated with the police and the next morning Gregg and his travel companion were arrested in Simmons car, in Nashville. In their possession was a .25 caliber pistol, which was later found to be the weapon used to kill Simmons and Moore.

Gregg and his companion were charged and convicted of murder and armed robbery.


The Furman case is considered important as it questions the constitutionality of the death penalty as it goes against the Eighth Amendment which states ‘excessive bail shall not be required, ...

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