In the eyes of a Catholic life begins at conception when the sperm fertilizes the egg. But in other Churches they believe that life begins at birth if this is so what is it called when an unborn child is growing in its mother’s womb. I believe that life begins at conception.

 Roman Catholic teaching about contraception is very different to the Church of England. The Catholic Church believes that sex has to function: To express love for another person and to create life. The church is against man made contraception because it changes love in to an unnatural way. Another reason is because it is dangerous, as people now its use they take advantage of it, STD’s increase and adultery is increased. Contraception in the Catholics eyes is interfering with conception. But Catholics are not against one type of contraception, which is the natural method (counting the days when a woman is infertile).

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 Catholics believe that life is sacred and that it begins at conception-Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes- (Vatican II, Guadium et spes 51). Catholics take a very strong view of deliberate abortion. Abortion would not be allowed even if the person having the abortion was raped of had incest. This would be allowed if it were clear that the mother would definitely die. The Catholics are against about because it is considered a sin, it is interring with the process of human life, and it goes against ...

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