'Darwin's theory of Evolution undermined the Argument from Design'. Is this true?

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Tanya Chapman   T3520205   TMA 06

‘Darwin’s theory of Evolution undermined the Argument from Design’. Is this true?

The Argument from Design assumes the existence of a Higher Intelligence who designed the universe with a sense of purpose. Pre Darwin, it was thought that this was evident in the apparent design of nature. Darwin’s discovery of natural selection explained the complexities of the adaptive qualities evident in nature without the need to postulate an Omnipotent being. This became the more persuasive alternative. Post Darwin, the revised Argument from Design claims that; although Darwin probably gave a correct account for the process of evolution, it is not an ultimate one: The ultimate explanation and simplest hypothesis is that the process was masterminded by a designer God.


William Paley (1743-1805) believed that human and animal bodies were like extremely complicated machines and such beautiful organisation could not be produced by chance. He famously coined the analogy of a watchmaker to demonstrate this argument:

“…..every indication of contrivance, every manifestation of design which existed in the watch, exists in the works of nature; with the difference on the side of nature, of being greater and more, and that in a degree which exceeds all computation.”

(Destiny, Purpose and Faith, p.68)

Paley felt the presence of a designer God was empirically evident all around us. Anything displaying intricate, adaptive, purpose serving qualities must have a designer. In the example of a watch, it is the watch maker. When found in nature, it can only be attributed to God.

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was seen by many to undermine Paley’s theory because natural selection explained the development and adaptations within nature without the need for a Higher Intelligence or Designer. Put crudely, organisms produced offspring very similar to themselves but not identical. These differences meant some were better adapted to their environments than others. The better adapted survived and produced offspring, the weaker could not adapt, so died out. Therefore anything which has survived this ruthless process and exists will be extremely well adapted to their environment. Darwin believed that what Paley had attributed to design was in fact random chance:

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“We can no longer argue that, for instance, the beautiful hinge of a brivale shell must have been made by an intelligent being, like the hinge of a door by a man. There seems to be no more design in the variability of organic beings and in the action of natural selection, than in the course which the wind blows”.

(ibid., p.71)

Richard Dawkins argues that the evidence to support Darwin’s theory is so overwhelming that the Argument from Design is now redundant. He claims that Paley was “gloriously and utterly wrong”. Natural selection is a blind and ...

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