R.S. Coursework: Death and the Afterlife

A/        Muslims believe in Akhirah. This is the belief that there is eternal life after death in either Heaven (paradise) or Hell. To reach either Hell or Heaven Muslims believe they must cross the Assirat Bridge. While crossing the Assirat Bridge Allah passes his judgement on your soul. The righteous can cross the bridge and reach paradise, but the damned will simply fall off the bridge into the fiery pits of Hell.

Paradise is for believers in Allah who have followed his teachings and have been forgiven for their sins and haven’t committed any. Paradise is a place of beauty and tranquillity.

                “Heaven with its beautiful gardens, flowing rivers, lovely

                 maidens, heavenly food and couches to recline on. Yet

                 the ultimate joy for those in Heaven is to experience the

                 continual presence of Allah.”

This shows the Muslim belief in the afterlife for the good and strict, true followers of Islam. This expresses the importance of living a sinless life and it shows Muslim teachings on paradise and eternal life after death.

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Hell on the other hand is much less desired, its description clearly builds up a picture of horrific atrocities to scare people into obeying the rules and morals Muslims teach and follow.

                “This is the place of everlasting fire and torment. Not

                 only do those who end up in Hell suffer physically from

                 the ever-burning fires but they will also experience fire

                 in their hearts.”

To qualify for this fate you must be an unbeliever or have lead a sinful life. This shows how Muslims scare and convince people to not commit sins. The two alternative fates ...

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