Describe Christian Teachings About Punishment and Foregiveness.

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Christians would believe in showing forgiveness and compassion to an offender, as this is the message Jesus portrays in his teachings in the New Testament. The ultimate judgement over whether a wrong doing has being committed during a person’s life, for Christians, is decided by God. It will be determined upon a person’s death if they have lived a life of sin, if so they will reside in hell for eternity. However those people who have followed the laws of God - theonomy - will be rewarded with heaven. People who also are sorry for their sins and reform will be rewarded by God in heaven by seeking forgiveness for their sins and showing repentance, penance, contrition, forgiveness and reconciliation. An example of this is the Repentant Thief: “We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve…Jesus answered him …you will be with me in paradise.” The thief fully realised that the actions were wrong and meets his execution bravely, those who realise their mistakes are likely to be judged more favourably in Gods ultimate decision between heaven and hell.

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Whilst living on Earth, it is believed by Christians that, not only should we follow the word of God, but we should also be guided by the lead of our government, St Paul wrote: “Everyone must submit himself to the government’s authority”. In other words we should follow the notion of vindication and uphold the law for the sake of upholding it. The only occasion when Christians would not follow the government’s authority is if this contradicts the word of God, “the church must say to worldly rulers, whose laws are at a variance with those of God’s ‘we ...

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