Describe the changes that the Reformation brought about.

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Adam Small                28/04/2007

Describe the changes that the Reformation brought about

The Lutheran Reformation brought about many changes in Germany and Rome, probably most significant were the changes that benefited the German Princes due to the huge power shift from Rome to the individual German states.  

Perhaps Luther’s main reason for attacking the church was because of some of its teachings, so therefore the most significant changes are those directly brought about by his defiance.  These changes include the banning of any indulgencies to be sold in any Protestant state and the right for anyone to drink the wine and take the bread at holy communion.  Further changes to the teachings of the church included the seven sacraments being reduced to two and the shunning of good works in order to gain salvation, justification by faith alone.  By this I mean that pilgrimages and buying and selling relics was seen as a waste of time as God was not interested in these things.  A final change to church teachings was that people were also allowed not to fast.  All the changes to church teachings made German peoples lives easier as they did not feel it necessary to waste time with going on pilgrimages if they did not please god anyway.

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The structure and organisation of the church was also changed in the new Protestant states.  Many monks and nuns became free to give up monastic life by leaving monasteries and convents to marry if they wished to.  Another change to the organisation of the church was that the pulpit replaced the altar, making the priest the central focus of the service as he was stood higher than the congregation.  Further changes to the structure and organisation of the church include the release of the Laity to give tithes to the papacy.  This increased the wealth of the German laity ...

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