Describe the main features of a church.

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Describe the main features of a church

 A church is a place of Christian worship. There are many features, which make up a church. They carry great importance in the running of the church and Christian worship. In the following essay I’m going to mention a few things I researched about, as I was unable to attend the trip to the church.

The first thing I realised that some Anglican churches are built in a cross shape to represent the resurrection of Jesus the cross is a symbol of Christianity they are also built in a rectangular format. In the church there are many objects and models of things. I’m going to mention what a regular Anglican church includes.  Many Anglican churches were built before the reformation so they tend to be traditional and remain in the layout. The following objects are found in a traditional Anglican church.

The Altar: is a wooden table and is usually at the front of the church it’s meant to be the focal point. It’s covered with cloth which changes colour with every season. The altar is where the Eucharist takes place it’s the centre point of the church and often has candles and cross-placed on it. There is a high Alter which is found in older and more traditional churches and rarely used except to store consecrated bread in a tabernacle.

The Lectern: is often shaped like an eagle. As an eagle is believed the word of god being carried around the world, eagles are symbolised to be standing upon earth also it’s symbolic of raising the word up to God and God raising his followers “on eagle wings”. The purpose of a lectern is for the bible to be placed upon. It’s used for services and when the bible is being preached. It’s a stand from which the word is read by a member of the laity or minister.

The baptismal font: is used for baptism and christenings. It holds holy water and is placed at the entrance of the church as it symbolises welcoming of a newborn baby into the church. Another reason is to remind parishioners about the vows made when being initiated into Christianity. The actual font is a bowl mounted on a pedestal. It’s found at the rear of traditional church as a sign that new entrants in the church are to be baptised.

The Cross and crucifix: reminds Christians about the sacrifice which was made by Jesus so they could be forgiven for their sins. An empty cross represents the resurrection of Jesus and the crucifix represents the pain Christ went through.

The organ: is played when hymns, psalms and ceremonies take place. The organ is used to provide accompaniment to the congregation.

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The nave: is the body of the church the congregation are placed on the pews. The nave holds the features like the font, pulpit and lectern.

Hymn number boards: are made out of wooden board within the nave for the service. There used to display the necessary numbers for the hymns.

The pulpit: is a raised platform in the nave; it’s used so the whole church can hear what’s been said. The pulpit is made of wood and stone.  

Communion Rail: is placed in front of the congregation. They must kneel to receive communion. It’s placed between the chancel and sanctuary. Anyone can ...

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