Describe the variety of specifically religious programmes on the four main television channels.

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RE Coursework - (a.i) Describe the variety of specifically religious programmes on the four main television channels.

Over the years religious broadcasting has changed. When it first started it was made for a Christian audience. Over time this has changed introducing shows for the increased multi-cultural and multi-faith population that now lives in Britain.

Religious shows have become more modern and up to date to attract viewers. As the number of church goers has gone down over the years, broadcasters have worked harder to improve their programmes so they can reach different audiences. They have started trying to attract 'vaguely religious' people, who only go to church on special occasions such as wedding's, christening's and funeral's.

Broadcasters want to reflect the needs of these minority faiths but also want good ratings, this means they have to adapt to the modern world and make the programmes worth while for the audience. At the moment there are three types of religious broadcasting on the four channels. These are worship programmes, magazine type programmes, and religious documentaries.
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The most traditional religious broadcasts shown on television are worship programmes. This type of programme is available on all four television channels. The target audience for this type of programme is mostly Christian, they are usually shown on a Sunday. An example of a worship type programme is 'Songs of Praise'. This is shown on Sunday at 5:30pm. This programme talks about Christian thoughts and contains a range of hymns. This week's show featured the Cathedral in Exeter and hymns including, 'We plough the fields and scatter' and 'Lord of beauty'. I think this programme would appeal to ...

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