'Design in the universe is evidence that God exists'.

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Design in the universe is evidence that God exists’

The design argument is one of the "proofs" for the existence of God. William Paley produced the most famous publication of this theory. It states that: No complex mechanism can be created by chance, so it must be designed. As the universe is the most complicated mechanism ever produced, it too must have been designed. For something to be designed, there must be a designer, and the only thing great enough to design the universe is God, therefore God exists. In this essay, I aim to evaluate all the evidence for and against this theory.

        There are 3 things that have to be exactly right in order for life to exist in a universe. One of these is the Violence of the Big Bang, any more violent and you would get a big collision of galaxies, and slightly less and the stars would move too fast and would not ‘bond together’. Another one is the Strength of Gravity inside the universe, even a tiny bit more powerful and the star burns up and a touch less gravity and you end up with no star at all. The final one is the conditions for the two molecules of Hydrogen and Helium to form the other elements. Any different and no elements would be created. It is highly unlikely that all of these 3 things will be precisely the perfect amount in a universe, and yet in our particular one, this improbability has occurred. This leads many Christians to believe that it couldn’t have just happened by coincidence, as the unlikelihood of them all being ideal is just too high. God must have made the universe the way it is for his creation (us) to survive and prosper.

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        There are various different ideas to combat this assumption. I believe that if there are so many millions of different universes, then one of them had to have the right conditions for life to survive, there surely must be one of the trillions that is perfect, and that is this one. There is also a new Inflation theory written by an American scientist. This theory proves that the Big Bang (the process in which all the galaxies where created) could not have happened any other way apart from the way that it did happen. This shows that God may not ...

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