'Discrimination and prejudice in crowd settings'.

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Atif Ullah

Assignment- ‘Discrimination and prejudice in crowd settings’


The first assumption in the article is how people in a mass crowd can become very discriminative and racist such as in a football stadium. It is quite often that we see racism in football and as a group becomes larger each individual has a less chance of being identified and therefore punished. The relationship between deindividuation and anti-social behaviour is explained by Le bon, who helps to elaborate on the psychology of crowd behaviour and individuals within that crowd.

The second assumption in the article is about how people in a football stadium are withdrawn from helping when they clearly witness a racist or aggressive event. Darley and Latane (1970) explain the concept of diffusion of responsibility and how large groups may affect the cognitive process of helping.

The third assumption is that as individuals self-categorise themselves in a football stadium they become known as in-groups and out-groups. This is clearly explained by Sherif (1956) who helps to demonstrate that discrimination and prejudice arises from being in groups.


The first issue in the article states Until the police have the sense to go into sections of the crowd and eject or arrest individuals who are racist, thereby eroding the ‘safety in numbers’ mentality of these morons, racism will continue at grounds throughout this country

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The first issue in the article is about how people behave more aggressively with a larger grouping of them rather than individually. The study by Le bon (1895) demonstrates how aggressive behaviour increases and how deindividuation causes anti-social behaviour. The article suggests how crowd’s behaviour becomes aggressive as the ‘safety in numbers’ reduces the fear of individual punishment. It also shows that as an individual identifies himself as a group member in the crowd he begins to behave like he would not normally do individually (adopting the inferior mentality of the crowd), in this case becoming alarmingly discriminative and ...

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