Discuss the main arguments for the existence of god

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Discuss the main arguments for the existence of god

In today's society we are constantly searching for truths. This seems to have been the way for many years, but at the fast rate science and technology are advancing humans are demanding proof for the existence of God. It is a subject that that has been the center of debate for many years and will be for years to come. The simple reason that in this age now, it is difficult to find deductive proof for the existence of god. We can never be sure that there is no God but, at the same time we can never be sure that there is a God; it would seem that this is what keeps the very existence of God alive regardless of belief and faith.

This leads me onto the ontological argument which favors the existence of God, concerned with being. It argues that the very concept of God implies his existence. St. Anslem an 11th Century Archbishop of Canterbury's view is that if an individual gives total devotion and faith to the object of god then its non-existence is unthinkable, God is a being of which nothing greater can be conceived . The ontological argument defines God as being the greatest possible being and, God exists at least in the mind or understanding. A being that exists only in the mind is not as great as a being that exists in the mind and the body and if God only existed in the in the mind he would not be the greatest possible thing, therefore God must exist in reality and in the mind. I believe that an individuals own personal God exists both in the body and the mind, and that personal understanding of your own God gives that God an existence.
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Another argument is the cosmological argument. in seeking to find the existence of God, Greek philosophers; Plato and Aristotle justify the existence of the universe to justify the existence of God. Questions were raised as to "why is there a universe" without it we were not inquisitive by asking "why" then there would be no need to know or understand the existence of the universe and ultimately God. Something that we all experience is that the universe does exist. Liebniz states that "nothing takes place without sufficient reason" This statement is known as "The principle of sufficient reason" ...

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