
Abortion is the death of a baby in the womb, and it's expulsion from the mother's body. It is when the pregnancy is terminated deliberately.

The abortion act of 1967 says that a woman can have an abortion if it will cause physical or mental heath problems to the pregnant woman, or the existing children. Also it allows women to have an abortion if the baby is disabled or if the mother's life is at risk.

Many Christians oppose abortion. There are many reasons given why they do. They feel that no one has the right to destroy a life, as from the moment of conception it is a human being, for any reason, and a satisfactory life will always come of every person, if given the chance. They feel that as the unborn child cannot speak for itself, it needs to be protected.
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They use the Bible's principle of the sanctity of life to support their views. This means they feel life is God-given and should not be destroyed. They are told this from Genesis 1.27, right at the start, and Exodus 20.13. In Psalm 139.13-16 is says that that God has a plan for every individual, and every person is the image of him.

Not all Christians are opposed to abortion. Many, in fact, are pro-choice. They feel that the mother has the right to decide what happens to her body, and as the foetus is part of her ...

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