Sumitra Nath

10 Neptune

“God exists” Write an article presenting argument for and against whether God exists

Does God exist?

God is defined as the creator and ruler of the universe. There is no evidence that says God does exist and that God does not exist but us humans. We each have our own view points about God. Those who do believe in God and those who don’t or are just not sure, who are called atheists and agnostics. There is always one question which arises, which does Does God exist?

Atheists don’t believe in God because of a lack of evidence. They think that there is no evidence that proves the existence of God or that there is no real reliable evidence. Atheists argue that someone should only believe in something if there is hard proof for it. However believers would claim that miracles are hard proof. Miracles are defined as a supernatural event that is considered the work of God. In Christianity Jesus gave sight to the blind which is a miracle and done by God, so God must exist.

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The existence of evil in the world is another thing to argue about when talking about the existence of God. Religious people believe that God does exist and that God is omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient. Then why is there evil and suffering in the world? If God is benevolent (good), he must want to get rid of suffering. If God is omniscient (all-knowing), God must have known about all the bad happenings in the world e.g. The Holocaust. If God is omnipotent (all-powerful), God must have been able to prevent or get rid of suffering yet evil still does ...

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