Does God exist?

   Both St Thomas Aquinas’ cosmological argument and William Paley’s teleological argument both claim to prove that God exists. However both arguments are ambiguous meaning that they can be interpreted in more than one way and so you can study both arguments and come away with two sensible conclusions claiming that God does or doesn’t exist. In the piece I am going to go through each argument and give reasons as to how each argument supports a belief in God or does not support a belief in God.

  The main thrust of the cosmological argument is that when asking about how the universe was created, it would simply be illogical to claim that something sprung from nothing and so something must have created it. However today we have evidence that the universe was caused by a big bang, but St Thomas Aquinas was not alive at the time of this discovery however he would have said that it cannot be an answer because then you would have to ask the question, what created the big bang? The cosmological argument states that the realistic explanation for the creation of the universe is that there was a ‘first cause’ that was uncaused by anything existing before it. This ‘first cause’ is God. God was never created and was always there beyond space and time. This could be perceived as impossible, but if you think of God as a ‘spirit’ and not matter then this argument makes a lot of sense.

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  There is logic in his argument in the sense that it is true that something could not have sprung from nothing as that is illogical. Also asking the question “What was the cause of the cause of the cause etc” forever does not make sense so his logic in that there has to be a beginning and that beginning is God, is a reason which ‘proves’ the existence of God. The argument also makes a lot of sense and there is reason to believe in his argument because there is nothing in the argument that does not make sense. ...

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