During the 1920's in the USA there was a great extent of discrimination over ethnic groups who had immigrated to America. During the 20th century there was a massive number of Hispanic immigrants.

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History Essay

During the 1920’s in the USA there was a great extent of discrimination over ethnic groups who had immigrated to America. During the 20th century there was a massive number of Hispanic immigrants looking for better opportunities offered by the US. The Hispanics mostly did fruit picking in California basically they were used for cheap labour. They were paid badly, racially abused by the Americans. The Hispanics were hated in America, the language they spoke confused American citizens and they way they looked made them stand out more. They had petty jobs and wore totally different clothing. Newspapers and films called them names and referred to them as greasers. They were also given the worst type of housing. Sanitation was so contemptible that disease spread and death rates heightened. The Hispanics had to live this way; it isolated them from whites that used segregation laws against them. Large numbers of Hispanics were deported back to their own countries.

       Along with the Hispanics, Non – European immigrants came to America also. The Chinese for example, nicknamed “coolies” by the Americans were used also for cheap labour on the railroads. Long hours at work for so little money made their bosses respect them for working so hard and trusted them to not go on strike. On the other hand many white workers thought they were naive to accept low wages. Low standards of living made the Chinese lives difficult. Whites were prejudice towards the Chinese simply because of the different skin colour, what they wore, their religion and language. Americans felt used by the Chinese when they would eventually go back home with their savings. In 1887 there were riots in Chinatown carried out by anti-Chinese this leading to prohibiting of Chinese immigration by Congress. The Japanese were much discriminated against as the Chinese. The Japanese children were sent to a different school from White people. This is called segregation. They couldn’t buy or own land either and the immigrants were limited to a small number.

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               This anti-immigration feeling that spread across the US during the 1920s had got horrific. Two South-eastern Europeans were framed for murder and robbery. These two men, Mr Sacco and Mr Vanzetti did not get a fair trial; the judge referred to them as, “those anarchist bastards”. Even though there was little evidence against them the two men were as expected found guilty and sentenced to death. The southeastern European immigrants brought anti-capitalist ideas such as anarchism, which meant that they do not agree with the government running a country. This made many Americans ...

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