Explain how miracles are portrayed in the Bible.

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Natasha Williams 10E

God & Miracles Essay

a) Explain how miracles are portrayed in the Bible.

Miracles are often described as an event that defies the natural laws i.e. the concept that certain actions will produce certain consequences based on scientific observation. Miracles have often been used as an argument to prove the existence of God, though they’re not believed by all and further problems are introduced with this argument. For example, if one does not believe in the miracles and think them to be coincidences or elaborated stories then, naturally, they do not prove Gods existence.

        Throughout the Old and New Testaments in the Bible, various miracles are performed, ultimately by God or through his Son, Jesus Christ. Often it is believed that they were performed for the good of God’s people, which is true but exceptions to the “rule” have been found.  Due to this, various views of God and the miracles have been formulated. For example, Maurice Wiles, a modern philosopher of religion, states that God doesn’t intervene in the world in occasional, individual ways, but the world and universe should be seen as a miracle of God, as a whole. This, however, presents an idea of God that doesn’t intervene at all times but occasionally, as miracles can only occur every so often, otherwise natural law would lose all meaning. This is where the problem arises, as it could be said that the miracles performed are subjective in which case the Christian view of an all-loving and all-powerful God is squandered. Rudolf Bultmann supports this theory by saying that miracles get in the way of the faith of a modern, scientifically-minded thinker, so he believes that the miracles should be “de-mythologised” in order to make them believable in today’s society.

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        Some examples of the miracles from the Bible, seem to be performed for the good of the people, others seem to be performed due to God’s will and several seem to be have been performed in order to prove a point. For example, when Daniel is not eaten by the lions (Daniel 6:16-23) this shows God’s concern for his people and portrays his kindness and intervention when people are in need. However, it could be said that God’s intervention is selective, as the question could be asked, where was God during the Holocaust? Or, why didn’t he stop the atom ...

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