Explain how Muslim teaching affects Muslim attitudes to the created world

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Explain how Muslim teaching affects Muslim attitudes to the created world

The created world is everything around us the, world beyond and the universe there in according to Muslim context all of which was created by the ‘one and only’ Allah. In the created world Muslims are no other than overseers or stewards to ensure the correct keeping of the Earth and the fullness there that they say belongs to the ‘Creator’.

In today’s world there is trouble surrounding the created world an example of this is global warming; rise in the earths temperature is a huge concern in science today. Environmentalists are condemning human actions saying they should take more responsibility for their world and preserve it for the upcoming generation. However religious groups are taking action and turning towards their sacred texts to find guidance on how they should treat the created world.

In the Islamic Muslims have referred to the ‘Hadith’, ‘The Assisi Declaration’ and the Qu’ran. In theses scriptures and declarations the way in which Muslims should live their live to look after the created world are highlighted.

The first concept that must be considered when thinking about how teaching affects a Muslims attitude towards the created world is that of, Tawhid, as stated as the central concept of Islam it is the unity an oneness of Allah. Muslims are obliged to follow the teachings of their creator who says that he has placed every Muslim as a ‘Khalifah’ which is the second concept. This means they are Allah’s stewards on Earth to nurture, guard and look after every aspect of it and if they the intention to do this isn’t from the heart they should do it to show gratefulness and respect for the earth he has supplied for them. This is also shown in (Surah 6:165) ‘It is he who has made you his agents…use the gifts he has given to you’. From this passage Muslim attitude would be affected to care for the environment to the best of their ability. Also as Muslims are Allah’s made ‘agents’ this means they are in charge of the Earth; it job to make sure everybody else is taking the adequate precautions in preserving the earth. It would make a Muslim to do practical things such as recycling paper and bottles not just sometimes but as much as possible.

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Muslims believe that everything that they do on Earth will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment. It is the belief in Akhirah, life after death. This is seen in (Surah 2:59) ‘God has the key of the unseen, the treasures, the treasures none know but he. He knows whatever is on land and I the sea: no leaf falls without his knowing it; there is not a grain on the darkness of the earth, or a green or dry thing. But it is carefully noted’. In this passage Muslims are reminded that Allah is omniscient and he is ...

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