"Explain how observing the Shabbat affects the Jewish way of life".

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AO2 - Judaism

"Explain how observing the Shabbat affects the Jewish way of life"

Shabbat is a Jewish holy day which occurs each week. It is also known as a rest day and a day of prayer and reflection. It begins at sunset on the Friday evening and ends at sunset on the Saturday. It is welcomed by the women lighting candles. She beckons with her arms to welcome it and recites a blessing while covering her eyes and says a short prayer. The men go to the synagogue. The evening Shabbat service is greeted as 'a bride coming to meet her husband'.

On the Friday night there is a meal where the man of the family blesses his children and recites Kiddush. After Kiddush they all wash their hands and the man blesses the challot and thanks God for 'bringing bread out of the ground'. The man then cuts the bread and dips the pieces in salt and the meal begins.
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The Shabbat day starts with a service at the synagogue which lasts longer than the weekday services and after this there is another service called 'musaf'. Back at home they have a midday meal and the Kiddush is again recited. After the dinner the children go over their Jewish studies and younger children go to a Shabbat playgroup. In the afternoon the males go to the synagogue for prayers. They then study the Torah until dark when the Shabbat is over.

The Shabbat ends with a prayer asking God to bless the coming week. The rabbi performs ...

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