Explain how the bible and Christian teaching influence Christian attitudes to abortion.

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Explain how the bible and Christian teaching influence Christian attitudes to abortion.

Abortion is an operation to cause the remoral of the foetus during pregnancy and if it happens naturally it is known as a spontaneous abortion. Christian are generally opposed to abortion because they believe in the sanctity of life. “ Don’t you know that you are god’s temple and his spirit lives in you… whoever destroy his temple god will also destroy”.

Which means that abortion is not mentioned in Bible, but from early history the church taught that abortion was a sin, the church always opposed it. This view is supported by a second century document called the Didache. It says ‘ you shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb’ it is also supported by the apostolic constitution. Written in the fourth century CE, ‘thou shalt not slay thy child by causing abortion, nor kill which is already born, for everything his been shaped by and has received a soul from god, if it is slain it shall be arranged’.

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The Roman Catholics believe that the human embryo must be treated as a human person from the moment of conception. The Roman Catholic also believes the abortion is murder. They say this because, they believe that the foetus has the some rights, and some value as a child who has already been born. Even if the pregnancy were the result of rape, the Roman Catholic Church would not support abortion. This is because they believe that the foetus should not have to pray he price for someone else’s crime. The Roman Catholics try to encourage the woman not to ...

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