Explain what a study of St.Mark’s Gospel can tell Christians about the nature of discipleship.

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RE Coursework - Part 1


Question - Explain what a study of St.

Mark's Gospel can tell

Christians about the nature of


The word 'disciple' means 'follower', or 'learner'. When Jesus first begins to preach, he chooses 12 disciples to follow him. His disciples were different, though, because they were so ordinary. They didn't have to be 'special' in any way. They were fishermen mainly, and other everyday people. Jesus even chose a tax collector, to prove that anyone could enter the Kingdom of God if they believed.

The number 12 was significant. In the Old Testament, 12 tribes of Israel were chosen. 12 leaders were then chosen to rule the Jewish people and the covenant with God. Jesus was coming to establish a new covenant. The 12 disciples might have represented a new kingdom.

The job of the disciples was to help Jesus to spread God's word. He chose ordinary people, not wealthy ones like the Pharisees, and outcasts, like tax collectors (Levi). This was to show that the kingdom of God was for everyone, not just 'special' people. Later, he chose apostles (meaning messenger - the disciples had learnt more by this time). They are give three instructions: 'to preach, drive out demons and be with me' (3:13-19). As they, learn more, the disciples are given more instructions. They are eventually entrusted with the task of spreading God's word, and taking over from Jesus (16:14-18). Here, Jesus tells them to preach throughout the whole world, heal the sick and drive out demons. The disciples have a huge task, and often get it wrong. They often lack faith, and Jesus becomes angry at them for not believing. In the calming of the storm (4:35-41), the disciples become scared that Jesus will not save them on the rough water. But Jesus has the power to calm the storm, and scolds them for doubting him. In the story of the boy with an evil spirit (9:14-29), the disciple do not understand why they do not have the power themselves to drive out the spirit. Jesus is angry at them again, and tells them, 'Only prayer can drive this kind out'. Each time the disciples make a mistake, they are learning. They watch Jesus, and prepare for when they have to take over the job without him physically being there.

Certain qualities are needed to do such a hard job. The main ones we see mentioned in the gospel are service, humility, sacrifice, faith and courage. The disciples had to learn that they did not have the power, God did, and he was doing his work through them. They sometimes became too sure of themselves, believing that they had the power (9:28-29). This is why humility and service were important qualities. Sacrifice was also important, as the disciples had to leave their old lives behind to follow Jesus. They gave up all material comforts, and had to learn that all you needed was God. Jesus often reminded them of this - telling them that it was wrong to value possessions too much (12:41-44, 8:31-38, 10:17-31). Faith was an extremely important quality to have, because the disciples often had to trust in Jesus. There were many times when he scolded them for not having enough faith. Courage was also needed, as they had to face rejection and persecution for what they believed in. The Pharisees were often trying to catch Jesus and his disciples out, and wanted them all arrested and put to death. They also had to work with people who were diseased and had evil spirits inside them. This could be scary for them at times, and they needed to be brave to carry out their job properly.
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Of course, discipleship had it's costs, but rewards as well. The disciples had to leave their lives and families if they wanted to be with Jesus (1:14-20). Levi even had to give up all his riches, and his nice lifestyle (1:13-17).

Jesus also spoke of the many rewards for the disciples, and those who had faith. He said,

'Anyone who leaves home, brothers, sisters, mother, fathers, children or fields for me and for the gospel will receive a hundred times more brothers, sisters etc...and persecutions as well...he will receive eternal life...many who now are last will ...

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