Explain what Christian teachings might be used in a discussion about euthanasia.

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Bryony Wilkes L5H

RS Moral issues Euthanasia Coursework 2003


1. What is euthanasia?

The word euthanasia comes from the Greek: ‘eu’- meaning well and ‘thanatos’ meaning death, therefore euthanasia literally means ‘to die well’. It is now often understood as causing death to happen, usually because of the pain and suffering of the individual. There are three types of euthanasia: Voluntary euthanasia, when a person asks to die before or during illness.  Nonvoluntary euthanasia, which occurs when a patient is in a coma or not in a proper state to make the decision for themselves, this usually means the decision of relatives and doctors to stop drip feeding a patient or giving them drugs that they need to live. Involuntary, enforced or compulsory euthanasia is when a person is killed for medical reasons but they have no choice in it. For example, Hitler ordered the deaths of many mentally and physically ill people as he believed that they were useless and costing the state a lot of money.

Voluntary euthanasia can be split into two types. Active voluntary euthanasia occurs when a person dies due to a direct action such as a lethal injection this is also called mercy killing. Passive voluntary euthanasia is when doctors stop using ‘extra ordinary’ means to keep a patient alive, such as having curative treatment.

2. Explain what Christian teachings might be used in a discussion about euthanasia.

Genesis 9:6 was an instruction for Noah but applies still today ‘whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God has He made man.’ This verse is adamant about the sinfulness of killing man, not only because it is wrong but also because we were made in God’s image and therefore harming each other is harming God. This shows the sanctity of life as we were created by God and all our lives have a purpose in God’s eyes. Although this verse seems quite straight forward it is not, as with Exodus 20:13 which is translated in ‘The Good News Bible’ as ‘do not commit murder’ but by others as ‘Do not kill’. What is meant by ‘kill’ in this commandment? Is it meant to mean murder which euthanasia is not or does it mean that killing fellow humans is wrong under any circumstance? Many wars have been fought because of God even though the Bible states that war is wrong. So surely killing people because they are in serious pain and want to die is better than killing people because they are in, what someone believes to be, the wrong place.

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Deuteronomy 32:29:

‘I, and I alone, am God;

no other god is real.

I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,

And no one can oppose what I do.

This is a part of a song recited by Moses and Joshua ‘so that the people of Israel could hear it’. Once again God is making it clear that life is god given but in this passage he says that ‘I heal’. Is it meant that God heals through man? Or does it mean that we have no right to tamper with life even if we ...

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