Faced with the issues of abortion and euthanasia, explain the different ways in which Christians respond.

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Religion Coursework

Question 2

Faced with the issues of abortion and euthanasia, explain the different ways in which Christians respond.

   Abortion is the deliberate and intentional killing of an unborn baby.  Abortion means destroying the life of an unborn baby, either by killing it in the womb prematurely before it is able to survive in the outside world.  The time limit to an abortion, at the present time, is twenty-four weeks, but this increases as our knowledge of science increases.  

   As Christians believe that life is a sacred gift from God they do not agree with ending life deliberately.  However, some Christians argue with the Churches teachings on abortion.  They believe that there are some situations in which abortion is acceptable.

Some Christians believe that the mother has the right to choose abortion as long as she has information on all the options.  They say that the foetus is only a collection of cells, which cannot feel pain and isn’t really alive and as the foetus is part of the mother she can do whatever she likes with her body.  

   Other Christians refuse this reason as the foetus is growing into a baby.  If someone would define the word ‘alive’ they would realise that it means this being is growing, developing, maturing and replacing its own dying cells.  It means not being dead.  Moreover, the unborn baby is distinct from the mother right from the beginning-at conception.  The zygote, or “fertilized egg”, directs the pregnancy by establishing a placenta, organising their own developing tissues and organs eventually deciding on the timing of the birth.  The baby is as much part of the mother, as the mother is part of the baby.  Also as demonstrated in the film “The Silent Scream” during which a typical suction abortion is performed showing the unborn child’s reaction.  The baby strives frantically to avoid the suction tube and the foetal heart-rate soars before death ensues by dismemberment.  Even though it can’t be strictly proven that the unborn child can feel pain, studies have been shown that the embryo responds to stimulus as early as five weeks after the conception.

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   Some Christians claim that abortion reduces the number of ‘unwanted’ children in the world along with neglect and abuse of children.

   Except this fact is false as due to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) doing research into the number of child abuse cases in 1973 and they estimate that between the late 1970’s and the late 1980’s the rate of reported cases of chid abuse in England and Wales doubled even though more than one million “unwanted” children had been aborted during this decade.

   In the case of rape or incest ...

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