Give some of the arguments for and against abortion.

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Question 1

Give some of the arguments for and against abortion.

Abortion as defined in medical terms as ‘premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb’ in modern society is still one of the most controversial and talked about subjects in Christian homes. Should a woman have the right to choose what happens when she finds herself in a situation faced with an unwanted pregnancy? An unwanted pregnancy can happen given different circumstances. A woman who has suffered incest or rape may not want to be constantly reminded of the violent act performed against her, but is that really a strong enough argument to end a life? If the medical help is sought in time, the woman has the right to immediate intervention to remove the semen and prevent fertilisation. This is morally right according to the Catholic Church views on abortion (1994) but in some cases of incest the victim is too frightened or ashamed to tell anyone what has happened, by which stage conception has already started. In some cultures people believe that in modern society, if a woman is consenting to sex with a long-term partner or other, without using contraceptives, then pregnancy in many cases will be the consequences. How then can the woman abort or end the life inside her? Family planning clinics are now worldwide and are openly available. Women should have the right to choose when they become mothers. In many religions family planning is not acceptable so what is the woman to do in this situation?  If she is not physically or mentally mature to become a mother then who does have the right to tell her otherwise?

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Years ago abortions were carried out in what was commonly known as ‘back street clinics’. The methods used in these clinics were crude, unhygienic and extremely dangerous for the woman. In years to follow, the abortion, although still controversial and wrong in parts of society, became widely available to women who found themselves faced with the situation of unwanted pregnancies. With modern clinics and medical staff who knew what they were doing, the number of back street abortions decreased dramatically. However abortion statistics showed that more women now used these clinics and as an indirect result, women depended upon these ...

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