Lesson 7 – Doing right; conscience

I agree partly with both ideas. The first idea about it being a moral sixth sense makes sense because if you do something bad then there’s something inside that tells you that you shouldn’t be doing it. The second idea about it being down to our upbringing makes the most sense to me however I am more inclined to believe the first one. If our parents tell us it is wrong then we know that but it doesn’t often stop us from doing it. It’s often our own feelings that prevent us from doing things. If our parents say nothing but we feel that it is wrong then we are less likely to do it. If our parents start to lecture us about how wrong it is etc then we are more likely to do it just to prove a point!

I think our conscience is a reliable guide. People always say to do what you think is right. If we always do as we are told then we are never able to do that. If we listen to our conscience and do what we think is right then we will learn more. Yes we will make mistakes, but who doesn’t, and we can learn from our mistakes. It’s healthy to go wrong sometimes as long as you can pick yourselves up and carry on. I think our conscience is reliable as it is part of us and is telling us what we think is right!

I think we should have school rules. I believe that in places like a school we should have rules to make sure nothing really bad happens and there are no accidents. However, I think sometimes there are two many rules and we all end up walking round like robots all doing the same thing. I don’t think there should be no rules and we should just follow our conscience because then bad things would happen all the time but I do believe that we should be able to make some choices for ourselves without having strict rules to follow all the time. If we all have to follow the same rules all the time then how can we make our own choices and our own mistakes? What is the point in us having free will?

I think Paul would disagree in the respect that our conscience doesn’t always tell us the right thing to do; however, I think he would agree because he thought that the conscience of a Christian is more reliable than that of a non Christian. I think he would say that Christians should always follow their conscience. If I’m honest though I don’t know what he would say.  

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Lesson eight – doing right; the Bible





Christian:        Tell me what to do, I want to follow the bible but I also want to keep my friends.

Strict Christian:        The bible says that to be gay is wrong! The bible is a book from God, what the bible says is what God says, you should listen to the bible. What you’re friend is doing is wrong.

Non Christian:        Ignore him. So it says in the bible that it is wrong. Do you always listen to the bible? Can’t you think for ...

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