How Do Christians Involve Themselves In the Abortion Debate?

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 Christians rely a lot on their religious leaders, the bible, their culture, their family and their conscience. Sometimes people that have been brought up religiously can be pressured by their family or culture to believe certain things. Abortion for Christians involves their basic belief about god being the creator of life. They believe no one has the right to destroy one of God’s creations. In the bible, there is a commandment “thou shall not kill”.

Many Christians believe life begins at conception. Therefore, this means that abortion is murder to them. They don’t believe that the foetus in the womb is just a few cells put together and has the only potential to be a human. They believe the foetus in its mother needs its mother for protection and food and so does a newborn baby who is still dependent on its mother. If it is morally wrong to kill a newborn baby who is still dependent on its mother, still feeding from her, then it is equally wrong to kill the same life inside the womb. Hence, many Christians don’t believe in abortion. They rely on their sacred text which tells them not to. But there are some Christians who are still religious, but when it comes to very important things like abortion and they think different to their sacred text or leaders, they will use there own conscience to decide what to do.

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Most Christians are totally against the abortion idea. They say you should not destroy what God has created. But some Christians disagree with this argument and they have an argument for pro abortion. This is that God gave us a brain so surely he intended us to use it. So we use it relieve people from pain and suffering, with abortion to take away that wasn’t meant to happen, therefore taking away suffering for the mothers. God obviously wanted us to use are brains to full extent so he ...

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