How do different groups interpret Biblical teaching on the handling of personal wealth?

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How do different groups interpret Biblical teaching on the handling of personal wealth?

The Bible teaches that “the love of money is the root of all evil.” There are many stories in the Bible involving rich people and their wealth and how they use it. In the Bible under the writings of Luke 6:19-26 there’s the story of the poor man Lazarus and a rich man. The story says that the rich man indulged himself in the best types of food and was very wealthy. Lazarus on the other hand had nothing and he was happy with the leftover food that the rich man had and he only had the comfort of dogs licking the sores of his feet. One day both Lazarus and the rich man died. Lazarus ascended to the heavens while the rich man fell down to hell. The rich man asked God to send down Lazarus with just a drop of water to take away the burning sensation. God replied that why Lazarus should help him because when they were alive the rich man never helped Lazarus. The story teaches to share ones wealth with the poor and needy if you wish to go to heaven. Another teaching of the bible is from the writings of Matthew 6:19-31 teaching that there is no reason to store up on material wealth for it goes rusty, moth-eaten and it can get stolen by thieves. But it says to store your treasures in heaven because there is no rust or moth to spoil it, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. This means that there is no reason to waste your effort on getting material wealth because it will spoil and you can not take it with you in heaven, but to store spiritual wealth for that will make you happy and you will never loose those treasures. In another one of Matthew’s teachings 19:16-26 is the story of Jesus and a rich man. The rich man comes and asks Jesus “master, what must I do to gain eternal life?” Jesus replied “If you what to go the whole way, sell your possessions and give to the poor and then you will have all the riches in heaven” Jesus then turned to his deciles and said “I tell you this: a rich man will find it hard to enter into the kingdom of heaven”. This is because a rich man will find it hard to rid himself of his riches to help others there for find it hard to get into heaven.

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In this piece were looking at three different religious groups and one extremely wealthy religious man. The groups are the Amish, The Jesus Army and the Iona Community and the man is John Templeton. I’ll be looking at the similarities and differences of these different Christian groups.

The Iona Community and John Templeton base their belief on the entire bible. The Amish is mostly based on three verses of the bible; Corinthians 6:14 and 6:17 and Romans 12:2. The Jesus Army’s beliefs are based on the New Testament of the Bible.

The verses that the Amish read teach them to ...

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